How to take online restaurant orders

How to take online restaurant orders

Online ordering has become an essential part of the restaurant industry in recent years. With the rise of food delivery apps and online marketplaces, customers are now able to place orders and pay for their meals without ever having to step foot inside a restaurant....
The rise of dark kitchens in South Africa

The rise of dark kitchens in South Africa

The rise of dark kitchens, also known as ghost kitchens or virtual kitchens, has been a trend in the food industry globally over the past few years, and South Africa has been no exception. What is a dark kitchen For those unfamiliar with the concept, dark kitchens are...
Dining trends post Covid

Dining trends post Covid

Since the outbreak of Covid-19 in late 2019, the dining industry has faced unprecedented challenges. With social distancing measures and lockdowns implemented around the world, restaurants have had to adapt quickly in order to survive. In this article, we’ll...
The best software for running a Dark kitchen

The best software for running a Dark kitchen

A dark kitchen, also known as a virtual kitchen or ghost kitchen, is a restaurant that operates solely for the purpose of preparing and delivering food to customers through online platforms, such as food delivery apps. These types of restaurants have become...

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