Resto: Delivery order dispatch and tracking made easy with Shipday

Resto: Delivery order dispatch and tracking made easy with Shipday

Shipday is a 3rd party service that you can integrate to, to manage your delivery orders. It is really quite simple. You’ll have to signup for a Shipday account. And then integrate that to your Resto web shop (about 5 minutes). Then you’ll be ready to manage your deliveries with ease and give your clients real time order tracking information.

Resto: Discover the Magic of our Automatic Thermal Printer

Resto: Discover the Magic of our Automatic Thermal Printer

Looking to streamline your restaurant operations and enhance efficiency? Look no further than the Resto Automatic Thermal Printer. This innovative device is set to revolutionize the way you handle orders, printing receipts, and managing your restaurant’s day-to-day tasks.

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